How is SaaS marketing different from all other types of marketing

How is SaaS marketing different from all other types of marketing

(SaaS) marketers have a tough job. Marketing is difficult. But what about marketing something that has no physical existence? Or marketing something that is constantly changing? Or marketing something with a strange name? Or marketing something that only about 20 B2B companies are interested in? Or marketing something that doesn't make sense even to the average person?

I think my idea has arrived!

SaaS marketing is not for the faint of heart. It really is a challenge. It is also fundamentally different from any other type of marketing known to the world.

In this article, I would like to point out some of these differences.
Also, I'm going to highlight some of the advantages inherent in (SaaS) marketing, which may help you do your marketing job a little better.

Giving up free stuff is actually a good thing
If you sell physical goods, you won't be giving away a lot of free stuff!

Do you have a retail store, will you provide some free samples? Yes, this is valid.

A direct mail promotion with a sample? maybe.

But giving up on the whole product? No, that will never happen!

Whereas for (SaaS) marketing, that's exactly what it should do. Giving away a free product or service is one of the most standard and widely accepted SaaS marketing strategies.

A “free trial” is a comprehensive and long-term marketing strategy for acquiring and preparing SaaS customers to join the service or program.

The free form contains dozens of iterations:

Free trial version.
The trial version is for payment.
Experiment with credit card information.
And try without credit card information.
and Freemium model.
And a free trial for 90 days.
Free limited edition, etc...
Free is the driving and essential tool for SaaS Marketing.

You will see this everywhere you look. If you want any kind of SaaS product, you'll likely see a free trial option somewhere.

For example, you'll find on the landing page of a visual website optimizer, which provides social media monitoring with it.

Giving your product away for free - as long as you have a strategy - is a great SaaS marketing technique.

Your information is your greatest asset
Information-based (SaaS) marketing.

It's amazing how important this is, yet so often overlooked. Think for a minute about some of your favorite blogs and sources of information. Do you realize that a lot of this information comes from either the people selling the (SaaS) or the provider (SaaS)?

Take, for example, (Buffer); Their world-famous blog is actually a media product to support their social media service. It's true that they want you to read their blog, but more importantly, they want you to try their product.

Hubspot is a prime example of an information provider. Hubspot gets its marketing power from the ingenuity of their information.

If you're a B2B SaaS marketer, think of yourself in different terms than just a "marketer." Think of yourself as an expert in the industry - that is, as the person who owns and distributes the information.
If you are blogging, tweeting, speaking or posting, thinking or otherwise doing your business, this should include posting information.

Most SaaS are designed and intended to provide information. Thus, the main function of a marketer (SaaS) should be to provide information that leads to a larger source of information - a SaaS product.